Sceloporus jarrovii, He was number 1!
“He was number 1!” That’s a SpongeBob reference for those who don’t know. But Yarrow’s spiny lizard, Sceloporus Jarrovii, was the first lizard I ever got to work on. The study organism that showed me that field ecology was a career that I wanted to pursue.
A male Yarrow’s spiny lizard basking on a rock.
Yarrow’s spiny lizards are one of the most abundant (there’s a lot of these lizards) in the Chiricahua mountains where I did my field research. I was looking at the microhabitats (the individual parts of that make up a habitat eg logs, rocks, trees). From my undergraduate research I found they liked to be on rocks or rock walls. And they rarely moved more than 20 meters. Can you use what you now know about microhabitats to #FindThatLizard?
Did you #FindThatLizard? Let me and the rest of the community know in the comments with #FoundThatLizard!