The Ornate Tree Lizard in the City

This challenge photo was taken at the Sweetwater Wetlands in Tucson, AZ.

Sweetwater is particularly special because it is a refuge for birds, bobcats, aquatic invertebrates, and other animals like lizards in the middle of the city! It’s a major biodiversity hub supported by treated waste water which creates and maintains the wetland.

Not only is this an excellent nature park for animals like the ornate tree lizard, Urosaurus ornatus, who you’re looking for tonight, but people as well! The trails are well maintained, there are overlooks so you can see the birds on the water, and they have self guided tours!

If you’re ever in Tucson, I highly recommend you visit! But for now, back to the ornate tree lizard. These lizards typically enjoy a higher perch, on trees, fences, atop rocks, and other things. Despite their small size, these lizards can get pretty territorial including the females! During mating season, females will establish their own territories and mate with males who have overlapping territories.

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