Outside with the (Western Fence) Lizards

We are well into lizard season which means lizard communities are teeming with activities. And though we think of lizards as cold blooded and wanting to be in the sun, even they (typically) aren’t out in the hottest parts of the day.

I caught the pair of western fence lizards below going at it on my way into work one morning.

They tend to be most active in the early mornings and late afternoons.

Many places in the US are experiencing excessive heat so I want to encourage you all to wear hats, sunscreen, drink lots of water and other hydrating liquids. And like the lizards, if you can, get somewhere cool in the middle of the day!

As someone who encourages you all to get outside and observe nature when you can, I think it’s important that I also encourage you to stay safe, cool, and hydrated.

Now for some lizard spotting tips!

  1. Become familiar with the lizards in your area

  2. Learn the type of habitats they like to use

  3. Gather your sunscreen, hats, water, and snacks

  4. Go outside (in the cooler parts of the day) and keep your eyes peeled! A lizard may reveal itself when you least expect it!

Here in Los Angeles, the western fence lizards are everywhere. They’re running across the ground battling with each other, basking on rocks, and crawling on trees.

Can you #FindThatLizard?

Let me know in the comments if you #FoundThatLizard! I’m also curious to know about any lizard expeditions you’ve been on this summer.


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