Natural History - Uta Stansburiana

The side blotched-lizard Uta stansburiana can be found throughout much of the west coast, Nevada, Arizona, parts of Texas, and into northern Mexico. They’re found in arid shrub and grassland habitats. The lower branches of shrubs provide protection from predators. However, their habitats in some places are degraded by invasive grasses and overgrazing by cattle.

It is estimated that these lizards have a moderate sensitivity to climate change with increased temperatures, changes in precipitation, altered fire regimes (an increase in frequency, duration, and intensity of wildfires), an increase in invasive weeds (which are often fuel for wildfires), and thermal heterogeneity (variation in temperature over time and space).

If you’re out looking for these lizards you want to look on the ground, the base of shrubs, and on rocks. They are not often observed climbing.

Can you #FindThatLizard?

Let me know with #FoundThatLizard!

Also I want to say a special thank you to the person who submitted this week’s challenge photo!


What Do Lizards Eat: Sceloporus Jarrovii


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