She Can Clone Herself! The Sonoran Spotted Whiptail

The Sonoran Spotted Whiptail, Aspidoscelis sonorae, is a parthenogenic species (not all whiptail species are). 

Parthenogenesis is a form of asexual reproduction where female animals can create an embryo without fertilizing with sperm.  

Parthenogenisis in the Sonoran spotted whiptail happens after one instance of hybridization. Think of them like Ligers (a cross between a lion and tiger) or a mule ( a cross between a donkey and a horse) but these whiptails can actually reproduce! Hybrid offspring are often sterile.

Even more interesting, although they are all females, these all female whiptail lizards engage in mating displays seen in species that reproduce sexually. How interesting!

If you want to read more about parthenogenic whiptail lizards check out this article and we can chat about it in the comments!

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