The Regal Chuckwalla

A few years ago I was driving with a friend from Tucson to Yellowstone. I insisted we stop and camp in northern Arizona to see some chuckwallas on the way up. This was middle of the blistering summer. We got there the first evening, made a nice dinner, and preceded to cook all night long. It was HOT that night.

When we got up in the morning both of us said never again lol. We tried to go on a hike but the heat was too much. For a hot second we considered staying the second night we were supposed to be there as it was beautiful. We packed up camp and started to drive out. However before we got to the main road I spotted it! A chuckwalla, Sauromalus ater. I pulled over and got this photo. Can you #FindThatLizard? Let me know with #FoundThatLizard!


The Collared Lizard


Clark’s Spiny Lizard